The Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASoS - asked us to create a place for their students to relax, meet up and have a coffee. It was our ambition to create a gathering spot that helps promote social interaction and a sense of community.
The lounge area is situated in an entrance hall located at the back of the building. It has a Northern aspect. There is a lack of direct southern light into the interior lounge space. Another important observation was that people moving in and out of the building divide the space into two halves. Two residual spaces, one long and narrow; the other small and rectangular.
The key design move for this small lounge space was to make a slender timber post and beam structure that unifies the two halves while introducing an intimate human scale. Within this timber structure a number of platforms are hung. The platforms can be used for sitting alone or hanging out in small groups. They slowly step up creating a variety of connected places at different heights.
To get a sense of warmth the lounge area relies on reflections of sunlight that bounce off a white rendered facade opposite the space. To make the most of this 'borrowed' sunlight the design proposes an extensive use of warm materials and textures like natural timbers and soft fabrics. Students are encouraged to take of their shoes when entering the lounge feeling right at home.

Entrance hall existing situation
Entrance hall existing situation