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Maserplan 't Weike. A community driven place making project bringing people together


Together with the local community REONALD created a masterplan for accommodating the community at 't Weike (Jekerdal, Maastricht). The main goal was to transform the existing, uninspiring and underused 80x40m green playfield into a natural and adventurous playground and community place. Together with the local community REONALD created a masterplan for accommodating the community at 't Weike (Jekerdal, Maastricht). The main goal was to transform the existing, uninspiring and underused 80x40m green playfield into a natural and adventurous playground and community place.


After several consultation rounds with the local community we came up with a scheme that takes its cue from the cloisture garden e.g. 'the enclosed garden'. Referring to the enclosed and hidden character of this place. A clear underlying structure of geometric shapes formed by axial pathways subdivides the large field into several formal 'beds'. In some of these 'beds' the grass is allowed to grow tall and develop into wild flower fields.



In spcific areas gras is allwed to grow tall and develop over time into wild flower fields.

This creates alternating patches of tall grass and short grass following a checkerboard pattern. This way the large field gets subdived into a diversity of smaller places with a more human scale. Resulting in a more intimate experience at 't Weike.


Each of the 'beds' gets a specific use and atmosphere. This ranges from a shaded infant and toddlers playground to a small soccer field. And from a field for experimentation to a bike cross track.

Local flower seed is seleted and sown.
Local flower seed is seleted and sown.
Local flower seed is seleted and sown.
Local flower seed is seleted and sown.
The local community is actively involved in making the plan happen.
Bel gerust! Ik help je graag:
+31 6 83 34 01 52  |  maandag t/m vrijdag van 9:00 - 17:00  |  woensdagmiddag gesloten


+31 6 83 34 01 52

Brouwersweg 100

Gebouw 5F

6216 EG Maastricht


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