REONALD was asked to make the concept design for Het Werkgebouw 2.0 in a nationally protected historic warehouse.
Het Werkgebouw is a collective of craftsmen and creative professionals who join forces and set up shop in a warehouse at Tapijn Kazerne. The building combines several workshops, an exhibition space and showroom. It is situated on a former NATO military base close to the old center of Maastricht. More info: www.hetwerkgebouw.nl
Since their current building will be demolished Het Werkgebouw is in the proces of securing a new building. The new building is a pre-war industrial warehouse strategically located near Maastricht Central Station.
How to respond respectfully to the historic context of a pre-war building while creating a contemporary creative hub?
The prospect building contains roughly 1100m2 floor space. The new location will also host a restaurant/bar facility. To accommodate the collectives ambition to grow from 15 businesses now to 25-30 businesses in the future Het Werkgebouw 2.0 needs at least 1500m2 of floor space.
How to spatially stimulate a sense of community while respecting the needs of small individual businesses?
The design response was to create 3m wide free zones along both front and back facades. The first 3m zone is for public and collective use. The second 3m zone will be used for open workshops. The remainng 6m wide zone in the centre will contain closed off units stacked in three levels.

Concept plan

Existing situation